10 Covid-19 Themed PIck-Up Lines For Runners

COVID-19 has been a game-changer in 2020, to say the least. Not only has it claimed countless lives, wreaked havoc on economies and left many unemployed, it has also impacted the dating scene. If you’re a runner and planning to score a date in the middle of a pandemic, you’re going to have to get a little more creative with your pick-up lines. Here a few ideas to get you started:

1. Do you self-isolate on this trail often?

2. It could be from running with this mask, but you take my breath away!

3.  You must be the long-awaited vaccine because those legs have me cured!

4. There’s no pair of running shorts that could “flatten your curves!”

5. Are you signed up for a virtual ultra? Because you’ve been running loops in my mind all day!

6. I love how your mask compliments your running shorts.

7. Damn! You run faster than the spread of Coronavirus on Florida’s beaches.

8. After this long run, wanna order takeout and share a bottle of Purell?

9. Wanna get a Zoom?

10. I have toilet paper at my place. I’m happy to be your Prince Charmin.

Have some creative pick-up lines of your own? Share them in the comments below or @trailgangstaz on all social media platforms! For other business inquiries send us an email at trailgagnstaz@gmail.com

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