Stay up to date via our Instagram for details about the 4th of July Beer Mile and Turkey Trot which are FREE, annual events. Our premiere race however is THIS:
Flagstaff Doggie Dash 5k & BuffaLoops Ultra (12HR,6HR,3HR)
Location: Buffalo Park, Flagstaff, AZ
Date: Sunday May 25th, 2025 starting at 7am
Register through UltraSignup
*Artwork by Barking Goat Studios
This will be the 7th Annual Flagstaff Doggie Dash held at the idyllic Buffalo Park! Runners are welcome to run with their dogs for the 5k distance or run solo. For the endurance monsters, see how many "Buffaloops" you can log in 12,6, or 3 hours!
100% of 5k w/dog registrations will be donated to High Country Humane to support our furry friends at High Country Humane! There will also be a free kid's race, games, raffle prizes, and outdoor fun for the whole family!
The Course:
5k runners will complete one counter clockwise loop of Buffalo Park plus a shorter one mile loop before finishing where the race started.
*3,6, and 12 hour runners will run start by running the outer two mile loop clockwise and then switch directions every 2 hours.
**We will have an area specified for your personal drop bag along the course that will allow for easy and quick access. Setting up a tent/canopy is free and available upon request.
More details and registration at UltraSignup
*Have additional questions, want to be a sponsor, or want to volunteer? Email us at