Monthly Blog — trail running

10 Covid-19 Themed PIck-Up Lines For Runners

10 Covid-19 Themed PIck-Up Lines For Runners

COVID-19 has been a game-changer in 2020, to say the least. Not only has it claimed countless lives, wreaked havoc on economies and left many unemployed, it has also impacted the dating scene. If you’re a runner and planning to score a date in the middle of a pandemic, you’re going to have to get a little more creative with your pick-up lines. Here a few ideas to get you started:

1. Do you self-isolate on this trail often?

2. It could be from running with this mask, but you take my breath away!

3.  You must be...

3 Mental Techniques I Use On Race Day When The Going Gets Tough

When you’re racing long distances, inevitably you’ll enter that dark place which many runners refer to as the “pain cave.” In addition to averting a physical collapse, you’re probably battling the siren-esque voice in your head that’s tempting you to slow down, let other runners pass, or even drop out completely. The mental strategies I’m going to share may not, and probably never will, turn off the negative chatter completely. However, I hope they can help you reduce its volume to mere background noise. Here are three techniques that I use...

10 Reasons to Run a Turkey Trot This Year

“10 Reasons to Run a Turkey Trot This Year" 

By: Ruairi Moynihan

Thanksgiving is upon us, which means a smorgasbord of temptation lurks at every holiday function. One of the best ways to combat the extra L-B’s is by running! Whether you’re a beginner or veteran, hate it or love it - there are plenty of Thanksgiving runs to attend right here in Northern Arizona (including several events listed below). However, you may not have considered these other perks that come with participating in a local turkey...