Trail Gangsta of the Week • 9/12/18

Meet Al Moore!

What’s up Trail Gangtaz!!! My name is Al Moore Jr. aka “@thealmatic” on Instagram. I was born in The Bronx, NY, and currently live on the San Carlos Apache Reservation in beautiful Peridot, Arizona.

1) How and when did you get into trail running/running?

My running story is an interesting one as I was boxing in USA Boxing as an amateur boxer, and went from about 240 lbs. to my fighting weight at 152 lbs. After losing that much weight, I felt like anything was possible because, I was running 3 miles daily and training for boxing. One day I turned to my wife and told her I was going to run a marathon. On January 2015, I ran the PF Chang Arizona Rock N Roll Marathon with a time of 3:47. It was an amazing experience and I have run 9 marathons since, the 10th will be my birthday weekend in November this year.

2 ) Why do you love running? Do you consider running to be your therapy?

I tell everyone I love running because, you don’t get punched in the face. Just kidding, I love running because, the sense of oneness and freedom. I don’t run to compete with others, I run to compete with myself and make myself better than I was before. I would consider running a therapy because, your mind, body, and soul is in tune whilst running.

3) What's the best and worst part of living on the Reservation?

The best part of living on the San Carlos Apache Reservation is the scenery and the people. The worst part is power-outages and water outages as well, there are times when we lose power especially in monsoon season.

4) What is your most bad ass running accomplishment/moment?

My best experience running was the first time I ran Las Vegas, Nevada in November 2015. It was my birthday weekend and my wife bought me some new Nikes. You know how they tell you to never wear new shoes when you go running? Well I decided to run a marathon with new shoes, at mile 17 I could feel the blisters on my feet as I crossed the finish line I could feel the blisters pop. I had my slowest time to date 4 hours and 55 minutes but, I finished and I went and cried in the hotel room afterward.

5) What gets you out of bed every morning and motivates you to chase your goals?

My motivation as stated earlier is being better than who I used to be yesterday. I wake up every morning with a positive quote and a song in my heart because, I figure the world needs more positiveness in it amongst all the negative. Anyone can be negative but, it takes strong willed people to be positive and that’s what I’m all about. Laughing, smiling, and being nice are contagious we should all spread the positivity disease.

6) What's your next race/big adventure?

My next race is the Las Vegas Rock N Roll Marathon my birthday weekend in November. It’s fun to see all the lights, attractions, and barefoot Elvis. I think it is so cool that they shut down the whole strip for crazy people to run 26.2 miles on my birthday weekend.

7) If you could choose one theme song that would play every time you walk into a room, which song would it be?

I know this is cheating but, I actually have two theme songs (haha). The first would be The Electric Light Orchestra Mr. Blue Skies. The second would be Bill Conti’s Going the Distance/Final Bell (The Rocky Soundtrack). When these songs play I can’t help to get a little additional pep in my step.

8) You seem to have a big following on Instagram that looks to you for motivational words. Do you have a favorite quote that might inspire our fellow Trail GangstAZ?

“I can’t help it! I can’t help it! That I look too good, smell too good, can dance all night long! …. Wooooooooooooooo!!!” -Rick Flair

I appreciate all you TrailGangstaz out there, keep running start a movement. Be humble but know who you are, running is meant for everyone to those that run a couple of feet, to those who run ultras, keep running and running. Make sure to check out my youtube video “this is a marathon-thealmatic” and follow me on my Instagram page @thealmatic for more daily motivation. Wooo!

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