Meet Eric Ang!
1) What makes you a Trail Gangsta?
I always have fun and mess around while running. I have run 13.1 minimum (2 marathons and 2 ultras) in my Mars Bl(Ang)mon costume Boombox in hand.
2) How and when did you get into trail running? What do you love about the trail running community?
My first trail running experience was doing The Bright Angel hike in July 2014. We ran down but got roasted on the way up. It was a different type of pain at 120 degrees but on the ascent we met so many trail hikers/runners who were so willing to give us extra water and nutrition we actually had a surplus when we got back up. I love how the trail running community, regardless of official race or rec run, is so willing to help out
3) Favorite artists/albums to listen to while on the run?
It can range from A$AP Rocky (first 5 miles) to WhiteSnake “Is This Love” (Miles 60+ or when I’m dying)
4) How did you come up with the idea to carry an inflatable boombox at races? How do you choose your quirky race day outfits?
On my first Ragnar back in 2012, I wanted to get a costume because it seemed everyone was in one- but the race already started. I literally went to a Party City after my leg and jumped into the discount aisle. Saw a Boombox and was I already running in cycling caps so the rest was history. As far as costumes, I like to be a living running meme so I will put the FULL ridiculousness in anything because Mobb Deep said it best, “Ain’t no such thing as half-way crooks.”
5) Who is an important role model in your life?
My wife and son. They are my inspiration for everything. ** Cues “Higher Love” and begins to cry lol
6) Is running a family affair? Do you run with your wife and kiddo?
Always. I want to surround myself and include my family in what I love to do. My wife is a much MUCH better trail runner than me. I try to include my son in short bursts but my wife beastly pushes him in the BOB stroller usually.
7) Are there any lessons you’ve learned from running that translate to parenting? Or vice versa?
Everyone runs at their own pace. Gosh this is such a life lesson. In other words, there are things I need to take my time with him in learning and things I’m blown away on how fast he learned. Running is the same. The science and math makes us think we should run something at some pace but damn near crazy things happen that don’t make sense with amazing results. “Faster” runners may end with a slower time than you. I am also a running pace coach so I need to also understand that a faster or more athletic runner can learn from me and that I can also learn from someone who is “slower”.
8) What helps you push forward when you enter the “pain cave” during a race?
Slow jam music and comedy. Usually in the pain cave other runners would be all “let’s dance” or mess around so it gives me that boost. I am known around the community as the funnest runner and I can live with that. I may not be as fast as the studs, but it’s nice to be known as a running meme who can surprise with results, lol.
9) What’s your next race and/or adventure?
Road - Revel Big Bear // Ultra - (Possibly) Saddle 2 Surf here in SoCal