Trail Gangsta of the Week • 8/16/18

Meet Peter Migun!

1) Where are you from?

Knoxville, TN!

2) How and when did you get into trail running?

I ran in college and after college I was burnt out of track and road races. After a couple of beers (oops I mean years) later, I knew I wanted to loose weight. I signed up for a trail half half and was hooked. Have never looked back! It’s not uncommon for me to do a 12 mile loop then be drinking a beer by the quarry. Best of both worlds!

3) Has running taught you any important life lessons?

People are everything. Surround yourself with people you love. The trail running and beer community are the perfect example.

4) What do you consider to be badass?

Anyone that is a pacer or introduces people to the sport is a badass in my opinion. I try to live these rule and practice what I preach.

5) If beer and running are drowning in a pool and you can only "save" one, which do you save?

Well running would be in a pool of beer, so I’ll drink the beer to save the running.

6) Are you a lover of rap/hip hop? What kind of music gets you amped to run?

I like all music. But weird funny things pump me up. My go to pump up song is "A Religious Man (I am I am)" by Mister Loco from the Nacho Libre. https://youtu.be/28R3_3-BlXA

7) What running goals have you set for yourself? Do you have any upcoming races?

A lot of local races (anywhere from 8 miles to 17 miles), but Grayson Highland 50k is the circled day on my calendar. Roughly 4300 ft elevation gain and descent. Should be fun!

Follow Peter @knoxbeerrunner on Instagram for more on trail running in Knoxville and drinking alllll the beer! 

**Interested in being featured? Just email us at: trailgangstaz@gmail.com with a photo you would like used, a quick blurb about what makes you a trail gangsta and answer the following questions below! We are so excited to hear all your stories!! In return you will receive a free Trail GangstAZ sticker and a feature on our website and Instagram and Facebook pages**


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